List your need(s) Category Protection Health and Nutrition Food Security Education Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Shelter and Non-Food Items (NFIs) Description Please write down any relevant details here. The more specific your needs, the better people will be able to help! Title Summarize this request in just a few words. Households 1-10 10-25 25-50 50-100 100-250 250-500 500-1000 1000+ Estimated community size. 1 househould is on average 5 persons. Location Describe the location where the aid is needed as accurately as possible. Please include at least City / Municipality and Province. Each organization needs to be either SEC registered, or verified by our community. For more details, or if you're unsure how to proceed, please see: How to become a Community Partner. Organization Organization name Anthill Markets The Moropreneur JCI Perlas Pasay Waves 4 Water Community Kitchens PH Green Releaf Permaculture Research PH Other For which organization or initiative are you submitting this request? Images / videos Is there anything to show, related to this request? An overview of the current situation for example, or the place where the aid would be applied / implemented? Max 8 files allowed, of 5MB each. Links Add links to social media posts, news coverage, etc. 1 link per line. Local contact(s) Do you know anyone in the affected area who we can contact directly? Yes No Contact details Please provide any available contact details you have. Personal details Your name Phone number New member Is this the first time you interact with Releaf.Community? Yes No Kindly fill in the following details. Your location Where are you based? Email address Enter this if you want to receive updates about your submission. Please add me to the Releaf.Community mailing list Privacy I don't mind sharing my name and location. I don't mind sharing my name, but please hide my exact location. I want to remain anonymous. If you're a human, keep this field blank!